County Battery expert Richard shows you how he spotted a fake battery when it came into us here at County Battery. Armed with a hammer and chisel (and safety glasses of course) he even cracks it open for a closer look...
Car keyfobs can be so tricky especially when it comes to changing the battery in it. Watch County Battery expert Gabriel show you how to change the battery in a Toyota key fob! If you're having trouble with your car key, come and pay us a visit!
You watch a poor soul sigh in exasperation as they try to turn the key in the ignition of their car. That dreaded whining noise sounds and the ignition light fails to light up on the dashboard. They try again. And again. But it’s no use - their battery is flat.
Poor weather conditions can spell disaster for your car battery. Lucky for you, you can easily avoid falling into the same trap as that poor soul.
Here are our top tips for...
All batteries should be disposed of correctly. At County Battery Services Recycling, we take batteries very seriously. We believe that batteries shouldn't be thrown away, but given a second chance life. We care for the batteries.
Several ceiling-mounted smoke detectors, wall-mounted alarms run on batteries. Replacing these batteries annually or when the low battery indicator comes on, will keep your alarm from losing the programmed settings or power. Here’s some simple steps to change alarm batteries in a few minutes.